1. David A. Yuen
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Minnesota, USA
Near-Field Tsunami Simulations of the Tohoku Earthquake, March 11, 2011
2.Yves M. Leroy
Laboratoire de géologie de l’Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, France
Limit analysis for structural analysis in fold-and-thrust belts and accretionary wedges
3. Bertrand Maillot
Département Géosciences et Environnement, EA 4506, Université de Cergy-Pontoise (UCP), France
Solving an inverse problem with physical modelling data of thrust tectonics
4. Benjamin Fong Chao
Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Chinese Taipei
Spatio-Temporal Behavior of Co-seismic Deformation Using EOF Analysis
5. Ladislav Hanyk
Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Free oscillations of the earth excited by recent earthquakes