Synthetic results on the earthquake detectability by the Next Generation Gravity Mission (NGGM) by ESA

  • 邓春林
  • Created: 2018-07-25

报告人: Dr. Gabriele Cambiotti

报告题目: Synthetic results on the earthquake detectability by the Next Generation Gravity Mission (NGGM) by ESA

报告时间: 2018/7/26 (Thursday) 9:30-12:00

报告地点: 中国科学院大学玉泉路校区科研楼106

报告摘要: In order to fully understand the solid Earth process leading to earthquakes and the earthquakes themselves, we have to include information from mass rearrangements, not remaining limited to displacements at the Earth’s surface from seismometers and GNSS. In this perspective, we are working on the modelling of the gravity signatures from the various phases and the exploitation of space gravity data both to seismological and seismotectonic purposes. Here, we will show our synthetic results on the earthquake detectability by the next generation gravity mission and our scientific suggestions on this mission.


1) Education and Training

October 2003 Diploma in Physics at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Italy.

October 2003 Degree in Physics (110/110 with honour) at the University of Pisa, Italy.

July 2008 Master in Physics (110/110 with honour) at the University of Milan, Italy.

February 2012 PhD in Earth’s Sciences at the University of Milan, Italy.

November 2010 Researcher at the Department of Earth’s Sciences of the University of Milan, Italy.

2) Research fields

My research focus on the modelling of several geophysical processes at various wavelengths, from the seismic cycle to glacial isostatic adjustment and mantle convection, and the inversion of geodetic data, like displacements at the Earth’s surface from GNSS and long-wavelength gravity anomalies from GRACE and GOCE space missions. A special attention is devoted to the inverse problem theory in order to make objective the estimates of the model parameters by geodetic data inversion with prior constraints, taking into account the non-linearity of the problems and modelling errors.