The International Workshop on Modern Computational Geoscience Frontiers 2012 (IWMCGF 2012), hosted by the Key Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (LCG-CAS), was held on July 2-3, 2012. The workshop was co-organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (GUCAS) and the College of Earth Science, GUCAS. Prof. Yaolin Shi, Chair of the IWMCGF 2012 Organizing Committee and CAS Member, gave an opening speech. Prof. Wenke Sun, Director of the LCG-CAS, chaired the first morning session of the workshop. The IWMCGF 2012 was attended by 121 scholars and students from Chinese and oversea research institutes and universities. More than 26 scholars gave their oral presentations at the two-day workshop.